Boobs and Timing

Yesterday, I went to get a mammogram.

In August. 

On a 97* day. 

In the afternoon.

In case you aren't familiar with the intimate details of modern mammography procedures, you aren’t supposed to wear deodorant, perfumes, lotions, or creams from your waist to your neck.

To say I was uncomfortable and unpleasant to be around was a fair description.

As I sat in my lovely pink gown, waiting for my turn to be squished (and after I had a lovely conversation with the receptionist and another lady named Karen about how horrible the Karen meme is), I said to myself “Uh, maybe next year move this to a cooler month or at least not the late afternoon in freaking August?!”

Thing is, I know getting a mammogram is important, and because of COVID, I skipped mine last year. I understand why I need it, but geez Louise, yesterday was NOT the right time.

Often, your marketing message will enter your customer’s life, and it will be timed as well as a mammogram on a 97* August afternoon.

They may not have the money, time, or beliefs that’ll allow them to buy from you. They may know they need what you’re selling, but they’re not “purchase ready”.

And the secret is: that’s ok!

Stay connected with them. 

Don’t assume they’re a poor prospect if they fail to make a purchase within a short time frame, or don’t meet your spending goals. Whatever you do, don’t move them to a cold leads segment of your list and only send them your marketing efforts dregs.

Seriously, this is important, so I’ll repeat it: stay connected with them.

You don’t know what’s going on in their lives. Their lack of a purchase says more about their mindset, beliefs, and current situation than your product. Unless your product is crap. But I know your product isn’t crap!

The fun thing about copywriting is we can change mindsets and beliefs (trust me!), and life circumstances will change on their own. Until they show you otherwise, market to everyone like they will buy from you someday, and treat them like they have every potential to be a top prospect.

Only 15% of people who decide to make a purchase do it within the first 90 days. And this statistic holds true across most industries. The other 85% take up to two years to buy…

Think about that!

If you move them to a cold prospects list after 90 days, you are losing the chance to sell to 85% of your interested market, just because you lack a bit of patience and aren’t playing the long game. And honestly, it is more work for you to move them.

Calling this shortsighted is a huge understatement, and it’s something I see many businesses doing. Staying connected and treating all your prospects well is something your competition probably isn’t doing. This one simple thing can really set your business apart.

This is why I think emails are one of the best ways to connect with and stay relevant to your market, but that’s a post for another day…

So, to wrap up today’s post...ladies get your mammograms (it isn’t as bad as you may have heard), and business owners stay connected with all your prospects. 

Neither one is difficult or time consuming, and they both can be a lifesaver.


On Ideas, Research, and A Life Well Lived


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