3 Ways Becoming a Copywriter Has Changed My Life
Buckle up Buttercup, ‘cause here comes the inspiration train…woo woo!
As I work to recover from some challenges earlier this week, I thought today would be a great time to focus on the positive, so I’m sharing some of the biggest personal changes I’ve experienced since starting my copywriting business.
I’ll be the first to say it isn’t all sunshine and rainbows, but there has been such joy in my journey, and I’m infinitely happier now than I was a year ago. My therapist and book club all agree things are moving in the right direction for me, and I’m inclined to believe them...they are smart ladies ;)
Without further ado, and in no particular order, I present to you the following:
The self growth has been mind boggling. This is probably the most outwardly visible. I wasn’t exactly demure and dainty before, but I do admit to being very short so prepare yourself for a surprise if we ever meet in person (everyone always assumes I’m taller, and I hate to be a disappointment). The books I’ve read and the decisions I’ve made as a business owner have changed me: I am more confident, less judgemental, more aware of my abilities, less willing to stay quiet and let the world pass me by. I know I have a gift (spoiler alert: so do you!), and I want to help share your ideas with the world.
I know that impostor syndrome never goes away, and you just have to learn how to deal with it. Same with fear - learn to do it scared or you’ll stay stuck, small, and afraid. I have learned so much about how to write copy, find my voice, and be authentic, and I just feel more “me” now.
For almost 12 years, my main focus was my children and their needs. Stepping away from that, even just a bit, opened me up to experiencing the world in a whole new way that has changed me deeply.
I would not have begun this journey of self growth and change if I hadn’t started my copywriting career. When you learn to focus on the benefits of whatever product you are selling as you write good copy, you learn to focus on the benefits of yourself - and it is life changing!
I have more quality time with my family. Still not sure how the math works, but here we are! Part of it is I wake up to do my first 3-4 hour work chunk before the kids really get up for the day. Part of it is my husband is also home full time now (thank you copywriting!!). Mostly, it's that I timebox my schedule...I no longer wallow the day away at the mercy of my kids’ wants and whims.
There is a plan in place for what we do and when we do it. While things don’t always go as planned - I am homeschooling two autistic/ADHD kiddos, have a dog who is super prone to vomiting and squirrel chasing, and a husband who is also a full time freelancer - having a solid framework is serving us well. I spend better quality time with my people, even if it is less quantity time, and we are all thriving.
“If mama ain't happy, ain’t nobody happy” is the unofficial motto around here whether I like it or not (“It is what it is” being the official Kossow Family motto). So often, mothers are responsible for the tone in their homes, and copywriting has definitely helped me improve “all the things” around here. I’m kinder, more focused on my family, and less likely to get impatient or frustrated.
Filling my cup doing something I love that is fully outside the roles of homemaking and mothering has restored my desire to do both other tasks well.
My kids are developing self care skills they never would have taken on if they had access to me for their entire waking hours (like they did previously). My husband and I are now partners working towards establishing equity and balance in the tasks necessary to keep this family moving forward. It isn’t always smooth sailing, but it is more enjoyable and our time together more meaningful.
I’m on a path to financial success, not just for me, but for my kids. I did an amazing training with Abbey Woodcock that helped me dial in my “why.” I realized my goal was twofold: amplify the messages of other female entrepreneurs to help them change the world, and get my family’s finances set so that my kids’ needs will be met, even if they aren’t able to fully support themselves as adults.
It isn’t my place to go into the details of their autism and how it manifests in their lives. I will say only that while there is a reasonable chance they’ll both grow up, lead independent lives, and be able to support themselves financially, it isn’t certain. Likewise, it isn’t known if they’ll qualify for disability payments or other government programs that would offer financial and medical support.
The time for my family to think about and start planning for this isn’t in 10 years when we figure out what’s possible...it's now so that we are prepared, and my children are able to be supported appropriately.
And to make sure they aren’t living in my house past the point where it becomes appropriate, because this mama isn’t going to tolerate adult basement dwellers, thankyouverymuch! I want my husband and I to enjoy our retirement, and my children to enjoy their adulthood independently. The money I am making from copywriting will make this a reality for our family, and I am so grateful for it.
Pretty great, huh?!
I like to tell people that good copy can be a game changer for your business, because it's true!
For me, learning to write great copy and starting my own business doing it has been a life changer. I am beyond grateful to have found this path (slightly shameless affiliate link plug for the awesome team that got me started on my journey), and I’m excited to see what lies ahead for me and my family.